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Drama N45

N4/ N5 Drama

Pupils electing to study Drama in S4 can pursue individual units or full course awards at National 4 and 5. The National 4/5 courses provide progression from the BGE phase while continuing to challenge pupils’ skills.  At Nat4/5 students can choose between acting and designing.  If acting, they have to perform an extended scripted acting piece for National 5 and a scripted or devised piece for National 4. 

Designers can choose for their added value or exam unit – prop design, costume design, stage make-up and hair design, sound design, lighting design, set design (N5 only).   The National 5 students sit an external exam where they have to evaluate their skills and devise a play from a choice of stimuli.  They then answer questions on the play they have devised.  National 4 candidates do not have an external exam but must complete unit assessments.

Stage Make-up Acting Performing Set Design