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News & Updates

New term Newsletter 

We hope you had a restful holiday period and that our young people are refreshed and ready to work hard in the term ahead.  Please read this update newsletter which includes dates for upcoming parent evenings.


CP and safeguarding Newsletter 

Our new Child Protection and Safeguarding newsletter is now available. The newsletter details valuable information on how Knightswood Secondary is providing for our priority of ensuring our young people are looked after with the highest care values.  The newsletter can be accessed here and also in our Health & Wellbeing hub.


Glasgow City Youth Health service

We're here to listen.  Confidential, personalised support for young people aged 12-19 years. Evening appointments with Nurses, Doctors, Counsellors and Multiple Risk Project Workers. Free and available throughout Glasgow City.  Please visit our Health & wellbeing pages or you can view the most reent flyer with information by clicking the link below.


Skills Development Scotland

Parents & Carers – Guiding Your Child's Digital Future with QA Scotland

This Scot Careers Week QA invites parents and carers of young people in Scotland to explore the wide range of apprenticeship options available to kickstart successful careers. More information here


Fuel zone menus.

A new menu is starting 14th August 2024 and will run till June 2025.

Menu is a two week cycle with four option choices .

All menu choices available for lunch will be a standard £2 this will include the meal choice with 2x veg option (soup and veg choice), a choice of fruit ,desert and a drink option (milk ,water ,sugar  free can)

Secondary Menu 2024-25

Secondary Halal Menu 2024-25


Child Protection and Safeguarding Newsletter

As we move towards the Summer break I thought it would be a good time to update you with some information about the run up to end of term and some inportant iformation re child protection. Please select the link below.

CP & safeguarding newsletter


Parent / Carer council

Thank you to the Parent / Carers that can along to our first meeting. We have now agreed dates for this session and we are looking for new members to join our Parent / Carer Council. This is open to all parents / carers who have young people in Knightswood Secondary School.

What is the role of the Parent Council? 

The Parent Council helps to create an environment where all parents know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward. They work on behalf of all parents to discuss educational matters that are of importance to all. They do not get involved in individual circumstances relating to children or staff in the school.  


Is Medicine for me?

Skills development Scotland - An online information evening for S2 pupils considering a career as a doctor.  This may also be of use for pupils in S4-S6.  Please follow link to the SDS page here


Health & Wellbeing

We have added two new items to our health and wellbeing pages -

- National Mental Health day

- National Sleep Helpline

Please visit our health & wellbeing pages for additional information here.


Family support

Please click the link to our family support page.


School Uniform

At Knightswood Secondary School, we view school uniform as an important way of ensuring equity. School uniform not only helps to promote a sense of school identity; it also encourages a greater understanding of the importance of appropriate attire as our young people progress on to the world of work.  Please click here for more information.


Show My Homework

Knightswood Secondary School are re-introducing the Show My Homework app to support young people and their families with home learning. Information will be relayed to young people at assemblies and log in details will be provided for all parents.

Please find support via the link below for logging into the app:


Young Glasgow Talent Programme

The Young Glasgow Talent Programme is run in collaboration with MCR Pathways.

Please click here for more information


KSS Parent support group

Working in partnership with Glasgow Health and Social Care’s Central Parenting Team, we are delighted to offer a series of four workshops to all parents/carers of young people in S1 or S2 at Knightswood Secondary School.  Our family support page can be found here.

Please click here for more information on this new opportunity.


BGE Extra curricular clubs

This summer term our wide range of extracurricular clubs give some of our senior pupils the chance to develop their leadership, collaboration and social skills through participation and volunteering. There are a number of new clubs this term, details of which are listed in the link below.

Updated extra curricular club info here


Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) is keen to work closely with parents from Refugee & Asylum-seeking communities and Parent Councils to promote and empower more people to participate in parent councls at their local school.  Please click the image for more information.


Good Attendance

Within Knightswood Secondary School, good attendance is encouraged at all times to ensure pupil success.  Please read the following information


Distance Learning - Parent/Carers

Pupils absent/self-isolating - Curricular work for pupils can be found in the Distance learning pages which can be accessed through our Digital learning main page (in the Parents Guides & Advice section).  If you have any queries, please contact your young person’s Pastoral Care teacher in the first instance. 

Digital Learning can also be accessed through the Pupils Area section.


Pre-Loved Clothes

Important Information

Up-to-date NHS advice on Covid-19 testing

Getting to school - First Bus information

Free School Meals - Update letter Mar 30th 2021

Fuelzone payments information letter

Clothing grants here


Parent Portal

Due to recent the Pandemic, it is felt Parent Portal will support and deliver a more comprehensive communication service to our parents and carers.  Click here for further information.

Skills Development Scotland - careers advice

Skills Development Scotland will continue to support pupils throughout the summer period both with career planning and post school plans.  Careers Advisers will be in contact by telephone.  You can find more information including how to contact us on the SDS page.


SDS is hosting a webinar on Foundation Apprenticeships

Parents and carers! Sign up to this free webinar to find out more about Foundation Apprenticeships for S5 and S6 pupils. 6.30-7.30pm on Thursday 22 February.



Apprenticeship websites offering varied apprenticeship opportunities.

Apprenticeships Scotland Glasgow Guarantee


Links to all our webinars can be found on the SDS page.




Welcome to Knightswood Secondary School's website 
Welcome to Knightswood Secondary School's website


I would like to welcome you to the Knightswood Secondary School website which I am confident you will find interesting and informative.

The School, which is located in the West End of Glasgow, is one of the City's largest Secondary's with a roll of approximately 1400 pupils. We are co-educational, non-selective and non-denominational, educating pupils of all abilities, cultures and social backgrounds.


KSS Quick Facts 
KSS Quick Facts

Glasgow Education Survey 
Glasgow Education Survey
On behalf of Maureen McKenna, Executive Director of Education
As you know we are always looking at ways in which to improve our services and most importantly, target the needs of each of our children and young people.
To do this we need to listen to the views of everyone in the city that our schools and nurseries have an impact on so we have published an online education services stakeholders survey.
This is a simple survey that will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and we are looking for the view of pupils, staff, parents, carers – in fact anyone who has a vested interested in improving learning and teaching in Glasgow!
The survey will be open from now until the end of May and we are looking forward to getting a high return rate.
Many thanks for your support.


Quick Links 
Quick Links

Knightswood Twitter Feed 
Knightswood Twitter Feed


Welcome to our EAL pupils, guardians and visitors.  Click the link for a personal welcome in your own language. Curtesy of our Modern Languages buddies.




Digital Learning Page Link



Digital Learning - link to

'How to' guides and FAQs



Pupil & Parent Voice


Parent Pay

Glasgow City Council are introducing an online payment solution called ParentPay into all primary and secondary schools across the city. ParentPay will be used to pay for all school trips, concert tickets, uniforms, meals etc and will enable us to remove all cash and cheques from schools.  This also includes a new cashless catering solution although the option to pay for meals online will not be available immediately.



Rights Respecting Schools (RRS)

Please have a look at what we are all about....Click here



Pupil Leadership

Sports Captains Presentation

Young Ambassadors Presentation

Extra Curricular Clubs

Our new newsletter for BGE extra curricular clubs in KSS is now here!

We are delighted to offer a range of clubs for our BGE students to give them the opportunity to develop their leadership, teamwork and social skills through participation and volunteering.

Extra curricular clubs newsletter.

PE & Dance Newsletter

October Newsletter



Upcoming Events 
Upcoming Events